C.’ The officers of the Statistical Section immediately suspected that this was evidence of further betrayal, which brought to mind the traitor Dreyfus. Consequently, I ask you to give it to me in writing so I may judge whether I should continue my relations with the firm of R. Conforme RGPD et CNIL, compatible GAR et ENT. Front page of Le Petit Journal, 13 January 1895, with an illustration which depicts the dishonorable discharge of Alfred Dreyfus. Conçu par et pour les enseignants et les élèves.

La presse de la Belle Epoque est alors en pleine expansion. Votre manuel numérique partout, tout le temps par Belin Éducation. Près de 100 000 articles ont été publiés dans la presse française sur l’affaire Dreyfus entre l’arrestation du capitaine Alfred Dreyfus en 1894 et sa réhabilitation en 1906. The three million readers of Le Petit Journal learned on November 2 that Dreyfus's rank, his position, the matters of capital importance of which he was. This petit bleu stated, ‘Sir, I await above all a more detailed explanation than the one you gave me the other day on the question at issue. Retour sur le traitement médiatique de laffaire Dreyfus. It was a note written on the lightweight blue paper Parisians used for sending messages through pneumatic tubes between post offices for hand-delivery to the final address. illustration which depicts the dishonorable discharge of Alfred Dreyfus.
#Le petit journal alfred dreyfus trial
In March 1896, more than a year after Dreyfus’s trial and imprisonment, the ‘ordinary path’ for pilfering Schwartzkoppen’s wastebasket produced another dramatic revelation. Colored lithograph from the French newspaper Le Petit Journal, 10 June 1893. 217 of Januappears an illustration most identified with the Dreyfus Affair, (by the illustrator Meyer) 'The Traitor: Removal of Dreyfus's. The bordereau sent Dreyfus to Devil’s Island a second mysterious document freed him. During the Dreyfus Affair the power of journalism increased, and caricatures were published to transmit messages to the masses who grabbed the papers as soon as they appeared.